What is Collision Coverage

What comes to your mind when you come across the term collision insurance? Perhaps, you think that it’s a coverage that caters to every bill after a car crash. That’s not any further from the truth.

Collision insurance coverage only pays for car repair or replacement when involved in a collision with another vehicle or object, such as a fence. The policy may also cater to expenses incurred if a noninsured or underinsured driver hits your car.

Is Collision Insurance Mandatory

While collision insurance is not mandatory in Amityville, NY, lenders will require you to have the coverage to lease a vehicle.

What Does Collision Insurance Entail?

Collision coverage covers the expenses incurred after car damages resulting from;

  • A crash caused by another driver
  • If your vehicle hits an object
  • When another driver hits your car and lacks enough insurance to cater to the incurred costs

Nonetheless, you must prove that the other driver was at fault for the accident before filing a claim.

What is Not Included in Collision Insurance?

Collision coverage does not include;

  • Damages to your car as a result of situations that are not related to driving, such as theft, fire, or hail
  • Medical bills resulting from an accident
  • Damages to another person’s car

What is Collision Coverage Deductible?

The collision deductible is the amount deducted or subtracted after a collision claim depending on your chosen amount. However, you must ensure that the damages’ cost must be lesser than the deductible amount for the insurer to pay for the damages.

Contact Acme Insurance Brokerage for Collision Coverage

You can trust us at Acme Insurance Brokerage for quality collision coverage in Amityville, NY. Having insurance gives you peace of mind while on the road, knowing that your expenses are covered if the unthinkable happens. Contact us today for further advice on the same and to get a quote.